Do I need to build a Sitemap for my Website?
What is a sitemap? Human readable sitemaps are static HTML files that outline the first and second level structure of a Web site. The original purpose of a site map was to enable users to easily find items on the Web site. But the purpose grew over time to became useful as a shortcut method to help search engines find and index all the parts of a site. Now, we have an XML sitemap, which effectively provides an easy-to-read link dump for the spiders to index. Some Web browsers can display an XML sitemap for users to read as well, you should offer both kinds of site maps (HTML and XML) if you want to be sure to cover both the search engines and your users. What is a Sitemap used for? Building a website can be a long tedious process, which can be more complicated by the huge amount of information that should be organized before including in your website. Some designers will start by creating wireframes and mockups. But for the rest of us it a lot easier to just b...